The Frog and the Thorn: Chapter One

Posted on September 6, 2011 by Jenna

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or, how Melanie offered Micah a name tag,
but he didn’t put it on

Because Sometimes You Just Slip . . .

The prologue to “The Frog and the Thorn” is here.
Even earlier stuff about Liril and Micah is here!

The No-Good Bird

In a Time of Cages

1: Anthropomorphizing the Crucible
2: Eliza and the Frog
3: Formica
4: And the Birds Fall Dead
5: Exposition Answers Emptiness with Digressions
6: “And Break.”
7: Little Faces

Oh, Harold Dear

The Rabbit and the Wolf

How Micah Fought the Monster

1: The Shepherdess
1a: Later. . .
2: The Boundary between Liril and the World
3: The Measure of a Monster
4: Sympathetic Magic
5: The Lion
6: “I will make you cry”
7: What Do You Do with a One-Winged Cherub?