(P.S.) Site Redesign Still in Progress

Posted on November 30, 2010 by Jenna

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So I finished the first pass on categorization/tagging, and figured that it’d be about 2 days of work to do a final pass, and that I could do it simultaneously with redesigning the site’s look.

I think it’s actually about 10 days of work, and I’m having a zillion Nobilis-related things to do right now too that keep me from doing those 10 days in a row.

So, still under construction. Many of the categories are worth looking at now. I haven’t done much with the tags except for slowly turning every category I can’t make into a readable sub-collection into one. Front page look is definitely not final; I have much more work to do on it, although I don’t mind general comments at this point (since most of what I need to do is make the right column less of a mess.)

Best wishes,
