Pelopia Visits Martin (1 of 1)

Posted on March 30, 2004 by Jenna

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1. Neither snow nor sleet
2. Nor heat of day
3. Nor gloom of night
4. Stays the postman
5. From his appointed round.

1. Martin sends a letter.
2. The postman walks up to Pelopia.
3. “Delivery,” he says.
4. Pelopia is too far away.

1. “Ma’am,” says the postman.
2. The postman is running.
3. He doesn’t get closer! She’s still too far away!
4. She is too far away. It is now very hot.

1. “Ma’am!” cries the postman.
2. The postman runs faster.
3. He doesn’t get closer. She’s still too far away!
4. He doesn’t get closer. It is now very dark.

1. “MA’AM!” yells the postman.
2. The postman runs faster.
3. The postman he stumbles off the edge of the world.
4. The postman he tumbles.
5. The postman he tumbles.
6. And as for Pelopia
7. She’s still too far away.

4. “Great,” says the postman.
5. “This was not in my creed.”


It’s not because of the letter.

“I sent you a letter,” Martin tells her one day, and Pelopia just gives him this guilty hiccup of a look.

It’s not because of the letter that Evasive A is there.

And it’s not because of effort.

Martin’s tried a lot of things to change his fate and break the cycle of the world. He’s worked hard at it.

But he never tried to catch this angel; so that isn’t why she’s there.

It’s not because of effort, or because he’s of her blood—

Though he is, in a way, many times removed.

It’s just that sometimes when we’re working hard to make our own meanings in a Godless universe, grace walks through the door.

One day she’s just there.

The other angels have their invitations, but not Pelopia. She’s not there to watch the show.

She’s on the stage talking about long walks to Hell.

She’s back behind it pumping the levers of the chaos.

She’s in the lights, balancing the colors, tumbling end-over-end with the ladder and lights falling down and Sid and Jane yelling, “Catch her;”

And crying, of course:

“No one can catch me! I’m Evasive Angel!” as she lands hard on her side.

Being uncatchable hurts sometimes, like when you’re falling from a rafter or jumping into your own dear love’s arms.

And one day she asks Martin if he’s OK with things, with the fact that there she is and in theory the answer to all his problems—all anybody’s problems—only he’s not trying to catch her.

And he looks at a dial on the sound stage—

Next to a mirrored sheen, and set, in a moment of unexpected vulnerability, to 11—

and he says, very clearly, “I can see your boogers.”

If you forgot what to call them, you’d have to say ‘consolidated snot capsules.’ That’s just how awkward it would be!