Genealogy: The Monster
One of the students tries to kick a puppy. It grows laser-studded tentacles and growls.
-- People are So Strange!
Name and Species | Description |
Amiel (Nephilite) | One of two children, probably sisters, spared from the destruction of Sodom. |
Parentage | Unknown |
Siblings | Lia* |
Mates | Unknown |
Children | Unknown |
Name and Species | Description |
? (Nephilite) | Amiel's daughter. |
Parentage | Unknown, Amiel |
Siblings | Unknown |
Mates | Himas |
Children | Pluto |
Name and Species | Description |
Pluto (Undefined) | She's not the god of the underworld. |
Parentage | Himas, Amiel's daughter |
Siblings | Unknown |
Mates | Zeus** |
Children | Tantalus |
Mice make millions on e-squeak IPO "providing free squeaks by web."
— Broderick summarizes Hamlet 2: The Arrows of Fate
Name and Species | Description |
Tantalus (Undefined) | Though the favored son of Zeus, he was doomed by Amiel's blood. He could never become an Olympian god. |
Parentage | Zeus**, Pluto |
Siblings | None |
Mates | Dione |
Children | Niobe, Pelops, Broteas |
Name and Species | Description |
Pelops (Undefined) | Not nearly so much a monster as his heirs. |
Parentage | Tantalus, Dione |
Siblings | Niobe, Broteas |
Mates | Hippodamia, Danais |
Children (Hippodamia) | Alcathous, Astydamia, Atreus, Cleones, Copreus, (Epidaurus), Eurydice, Hippalcimus, Letreus, Nicippe, Pittheus, (Sciron), Sicyon, Thyestes, Troezen. |
Children (Danais) | Chrysippus |
Name and Species | Description |
Thyestes (Monster) | While Tantalus' crimes and Myrtilus' anger played a part, it's with Thyestes that Amiel's line becomes a line of monsters. |
Parentage | Pelops, Hippodamia |
Siblings | Alcathous, Astydamia, Atreus, Cleones, Copreus, (Epidaurus), Eurydice, Hippalcimus, Letreus, Nicippe, Pittheus, (Sciron), Sicyon, Troezen. |
Half-Siblings | Chrysippus |
Mates | Aerope*, a Naiad, Pelopia* |
Children (Aerope) | Pelopia* |
Children (a Naiad) | Aglaus,Callileon, Orchomenus, (Tantalus 2), Plisthenes. |
Children (Pelopia) | Aegisthus |
Name and Species | Description |
Aegisthus (Monster) | "Look you now," says Zeus, of Aegisthus, "how ready mortals are to blame the gods. It is from us, they say, that evils come, but they even of themselves, through their own blind folly, have sorrows beyond that which is ordained." — The Odyssey |
Parentage | Thyestes, Pelopia* |
Siblings | None |
Half-Siblings (Aerope) | Pelopia* |
Half-Siblings (a Naiad**) | Aglaus, Callileon, Orchomenus, (Tantalus 2), Plisthenes. |
Mates | Clytaemnestra |
Children | Erigone, Aletes |
Parrots abolish sexism through universal adoption of term "womyn."
— Broderick summarizes Hard-Nosed Messianic Acts
Name and Species | Description |
Erigone (Unspecified) | The most likely continuation of the monster's line is Erigone, to Penthilus, to Damasius, to Agorius, whose unknown descendants eventually linked into Assyria's royal line and brought forth Sennacherib. |
Parentage | Aegisthus, Clytaemnestra |
Siblings | Aletes |
Mates | Orestes |
Children | Penthilus |
Name and Species | Description |
Sennacherib (Monster) | King of Assyria from 705 to 681 BCE |
Parentage | Sargon II, Unknown |
Siblings | Unknown |
Mates | Tashmetum-sharrat |
Children | Esarhaddon |
Ducks prove perfect test audience for "The Punisher."
— Broderick summarizes The Righteousness Game
Name and Species | Description |
Esarhaddon (Unspecified) | The most likely continuation of the monster's line is Esarhaddon, to Assurbanipal II, to Adad-guppi, to Nabonidus, to Nebuchadnezzar or Belshazzar, producing the current monster many generations later. |
Parentage | Sennacherib, Tashmetum-sharrat |
Siblings | Unknown |
Mates | Unknown |
Children | Assurbanipal II, Ashur-etil-same-irsiti-uballit-su, Shamash-shuma-ukin |
() denotes genealogical information subject to debate.
* Probably of Lia's line
** Divine entity
Categories: Vanished From Imago