Forthcoming in March: “Fable of the Swan”
Posted on March 13, 2012 by Jenna
I am not yet in a position to restart Hitherby or decide if it should be restarted.
I wanted to let you know that my next novel, “Fable of the Swan,” the first piece of the Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine transmedia project, should be ready for electronic release soon—roughly a week.
After that I’ll be picking up some scattered strands of my life, possibly including Hitherby.
“Fable of the Swan” has thematic connections to Fable of the Lamb, so you may want to reread that. Actually you may want to reread that anyway; it’s one of my favorite Hitherbies, although it’s full of spoilers if you haven’t read the rest. ^_^
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