Category: Woglies and the Maw
The wogly has the deepest, bluest skin and two winky eyes. It’s shaped like a torus. Inside the wogly it’s empty.
— from “Bob (III/IV)”
- Scanning Things
- Bob (III/IV)
- Martin (IV/IV)
- (Good Friday) Tenebrae (I/I)
- Mei Ming (I/I)
- Woglies
- The Rent in the Fullness of the World (I/II)
- Proof and Consequence
- The Treasure Wheel (II/III)
- “Why Can’t I Fix You?” (I/II)
- Legend of the Sifter
- Legend of the Wheel
- Martin in Darkness
- (Good Friday – Hitherby Annual #1 – I/I) Tre Ore
- (Holy Saturday) Stories of Deliverance (I/I)
- The Weight of the Contradiction
- Jacob, His Runt, The Angel, and the Maw (1 of 3)
- On the Endings of Stories (2 of 3)
- The Unrighteous Daughter (III/IV)
- Slick Jang and the Treason Maw
- Six’s Story
- The Peculiar Case Of Miss Mu Lung (4 of 4)
- Ink Invaluable (IV/XVI)
- Ink and Anarchy (X/XVI)
- Ink Unwrappable (XII/XVI)
- Ink Ascending (XVI/XVI)
- Ophion (I/I)
- As To Why You Should Drink the Coffee We Sell Here, as Opposed to the Coffee Sold in World and Sound
- Scarab All-a-Fulminatin’, Explody & Oh Shi— (I/I)