Category: Under Construction - The Transition to Imago
- Because “Nil Sine Numine” Was Too Ironic
- The Melomid (I/II)
- Good and True and Noble (II/II)
- “That Was Quick,” The Monster Said (I/III)
- The False Enlightenment (II/III)
- Scattered (III/III)
- The Alphabet Game
- The Top
- The Chimerae (I/I)
- The Ragged Things (1 of 2)
- (Quinquagesima Sunday) The Imago (2 of 2)
- The Scarlet Ribbon
- That Way That Snakes, When
- Wednesday 3/08
- The 100% Evil-Free Skeleton
- The Maintenance of the Species
- Morgan-Thurible Laboratories: A Love Story
- He’d Thought It Was Dopamine Overproduction
- On the Purpose of Global Warming and Human Existence, in Light of a Compassionate God
- If Animals Had Elemental Powers
- Paradise Forgotten
- Such a Strange and Funny Image
- Starfish Men (I/II)
- How Meredith Ran from the Chaos (II/II)
- The Callous Onslaught of Those Words
- Six’s Story
- (Palm Sunday: I/IV) Sid and Max
- (Palm Sunday: II/IV) Jigsawing
- (Palm Sunday: III/IV) Mr. McGruder’s Question
- (Palm Sunday: IV/IV) The Siggort in Exile
- Are Siggorts? (I/I)
- Should Siggorts? (I/I)
- Hitherby Annual #2 – Maundy Thursday (I/I)
- (Good Friday) The Problem of Persephone (I/V)
- (Low Saturday) The Harrowing of Hell (II/V)
- (Easter) That Morning (III/V)
- Hard on the Heels of Ink’s Legend (I/I)
- The Cut (4 of 5)
- The Nest of Mirror Pieces (5 of 5)