Category: On Heroes
“Heroes can kill monsters.”
- The Truth
- The Dancing Popes
- The Hero (II/IV)
- The Tunnels (I/IV)
- The Castle (III/IV)
- Jane Confronts the Problem of Martin
- Bob (III/IV)
- Four Horsemen
- The Flower (I/IV)
- Myths and Heroes (II/IV)
- Remnants (III/IV)
- People of Salt (IV/IV)
- Mei Ming (I/I)
- Tunnel Rat (I/IV)
- Questions and Answers (2 of 2)
- Ink in the Wrong Allegory
- The Fortress of Christmas Future
- At the Temple (II/II)
- Shame (I/II)
- Random Genealogical Interjection
- The Chorus of Definition (1 of 1)
- Hero and Monster (I/IV)
- Mylitta’s Question (II/IV)
- Belshazzar (III/IV)
- Nabonidus’ Gods (IV/IV)
- Under the Ice
- Why the Monster Laughs at God (1 of 1)
- Sevens
- The Harrowing of Hell
- Before He Was Cool (I/I)
- “There are Stars in Your Eyes, Elli” (II/II)
- Martin and Lisa (I/III)
- Martin and Thess (II/III)
- Martin and the Woglies (III/III)
- (Good Friday – Hitherby Annual #1 – I/I) Tre Ore
- Remus
- Jacob, His Runt, The Angel, and the Maw (1 of 3)
- On the Endings of Stories (2 of 3)
- What Wistful Sally Says
- The Well
- Harbinger