Category: Merins
“Merins help make sense of the world,” Liril says. “They can be ugly or pretty or somewhere in between.”
— from “Liril (2 of 2)”
- What is Hitherby Dragons?
- She Puts on Shows
- Ninja Tathagata
- Creating Reasonable Explanations
- What It’s Like
- Bodhisattvas
- Mr. A
- Puppies
- Meredith
- Boxes
- Dragons
- Liril and Micah
- Ants
- Broderick
- Hopping Vampire
- (Easter Sunday) Epilogue
- Siggorts
- End of Chapter 1
- A Summary of the Metaphysics
- Histories, Legends, and Stories
- Character Profile: Jane
- Character Profile: the Angel Four
- Chapter 2
- The Breaking of the World
- Phantasmagoria
- Undines
- Histories
- Djinn
- Demons
- Melomids
- Woglies
- Random Genealogical Interjection
- Fetches
- Kama
- A Season of Metal
- Stories
- Jane Talking
- The Wind is Changing
- Looking out
- Martin
- Angels
- Sid and Max
- The Failing of the Lens
- (End of Chapter 2)
- Chapter 3
- (Boedromion 18: Static)
- Whoever Can Bear the Weight