This is a capture of all the Continuity posts of Hitherby Dragons. It includes all the historical and current-day events of the ongoing story. It also includes select Legends, primarily those concerning Ink’s continuing adventures, and those concerning Jane and Martin. In the first case, it is because Ink is the only recurrent Legends character with a consistent continuity of her own. In the second case, it is to strengthen the representations of the personalities and relationships of those characters who are so very central to the story.There are many other recurring characters in Hitherby Dragons who are intriguing or even endearing. But for their stories, you’ll have to go to the source.
Note: This does not include apparently-unrelated mini-stories such as ‘Unclean Legacy’ and ‘House of Saints’. Sorry. Those are usually clustered together, so not nearly as hard to read through.
Introduction (Dragons)
In the old days, they didn’t know very much about the world. But they made maps anyway. If they had to map something they couldn’t, they just drew whatever they felt like and wrote, “Here there be dragons.”
Someone found Hitherby Dragons by asking google whether dragons are real.
If you tried to map the world today, you could detail every inch of the world’s surface. Satellites could show you every forest and every bush, every mountain and every field. They could show you your house and mine. There are no empty spaces left.
We don’t know very much about the world; and there are things to map of it besides its surface.
Can broken things be remade?
Can destinies change?
Is it worth the risk of hope?
Important questions, but one can only shrug, you see.
Here, there be dragons.
Chapter One
Legend: The Truth
The Monster (I/IV)
The Hero (II/IV)
The Angels (III/IV)
The Shadow (IV/IV)
Jane: Two Great Tastes
Jane: Dumping Glue on a Log
Jane: Scanning Things
Jane: Avoiding the Use of Exclamation Points
The Tunnels (I/IV)
The Forest (II/IV)
The Castle (III/IV)
The Stage (IV/IV)
Martin: Martin visits Liz
Jane: Stomping
Jane: Jane Confronts the Problem of Martin
Daniel (I/IV)
Alan (II/IV)
Bob (III/IV)
Martin (IV/IV)
Jane: The Awa
Jane: The Girl and the Rat
Jane: Classifying Things
Tantalus (I/IV)
Pelops (II/IV)
Thyestes (III/IV)
Aegisthus (IV/IV)
Jane: An Old Sock
Jane: Jane’s Father
(Ink in) The Tower
Jane: Static
Saturday (1 of 2)
Ink in an Interlude
Sunday (2 of 2)
The Flower (I/IV)
Myths and Heroes (II/IV)
Remnants (III/IV)
People of Salt (IV/IV)
Surrender (1 of 2)
Tunnel Rat (I/IV)
The Show (II/IV)
Jane (III/IV)
The Stone (IV/IV)
Questions and Answers (2 of 2)
Genealogy: The Monster
Genealogy: The People of Salt
A Summary of the Metaphysics
Jane: The Remembering People
Jane: Covered in Bugs
Chapter Two
A handful
of dust fell from his hand.
“This is a season of metal,” he said.
Ink in an Introduction
The Unsubstantiated Assertions Fairy (II/II)
Jane: Its Second Stage
Priyanka (I/II)
Jane: Scrape. Scrape. Crunch.
Maya: The Summoning of the King (I/?)
At the Temple (II/II)
Shame (I/II)
Jane: Ways of Avoiding Migraines
Jane: The Big World
Maya: The Dove (II/?)
An Answer to Emptiness (II/II)
The Rent in the Fullness of the World (I/II)
The Place Without Recourse (I/I)
The Chorus of Definition (1 of 1)
Hero and Monster (I/IV)
Mylitta’s Question (II/IV)
Belshazzar (III/IV)
Nabonidus’ Gods (IV/IV)
Jane: The Silver Standard
Jane: An Old Stocking
Maya: Devadatta and Various Killers (III/?)
Maya: The Miracle (IV/?)
Jane: Jane’s Terrifying Story of Near-Halloween Horror
Maya: The Betrothal (V/?)
Why the Monster Laughs at God (1 of 1)
Jane: Jane Talking
Jane: Chasing Away the Blues
Jane: Careful Attention to Calendars
Jane: Bankers Do It With Interest
Jane: Johnny Pancake
Tina (I/IV)
Iphigenia (II/IV)
Sacrifice (3 of 4)
Rahu (IV/IV)
The Old Man of the Sea (1 of 2)
A Raw Deal for Creepy Handwriting Girl (2 of 2)
The Fable of the Lamb (1 of 2)
Tigers in their Cages (2 of 2)
The Birth of Persephone (I/III)
The Treasure Wheel (II/III)
Hades (III/III)
The Sifter (I/I)
“Why Can’t I Fix You?” (I/II)
Legend: The Sifter
“There are Stars in Your Eyes, Elli” (II/II)
Legend: Legend of the Wheel
Maya: The Old Man (VII/?)
Martin and Lisa (I/III)
Martin and Thess (II/III)
Martin and the Woglies (III/III)
Maya: The Sick Man (VIII/?)
Maya: (Maundy Thursday) The Corpse (IX/?)
(Good Friday - Hitherby Annual #1 - I/I) Tre Ore
(Holy Saturday) Stories of Deliverance
Jane: Adjective Noun
Tantalus Looks for Work (1 of 1)
Chapter Three
Truth is not lost.
Jane: The Incredible Alchemy Elixir
Jane: The Incredible Alchemy Elixir (Continued)
Jane: Depending on Shoes
Martin: G-Rated Pornography
Jacob, His Runt, The Angel, and the Maw (1 of 3)
On the Endings of Stories (2 of 3)
The Army (3 of 3)
Jane: (Sweeping Day) The Street, and What Happened There
Ink is Backstage: “Unexplorable Places”
Ink is Backstage: “Accidental Dispositions”
Regarding Ink’s Intermission (1 of 1)
Ink is Backstage: “It Means Something Good”
Jane: The Rainbow Wolves
Boisterous Immortal (I/IV)
Wishing Boy (II/IV)
The Unrighteous Daughter (III/IV)
The Water (4 of 4)
The Thistle (I/IV)
Never (II/IV)
The Route to Never (III/IV)
The Borders of the World (IV/IV)
(Canon: Boedromion 14) The Growing God
(History: Boedromion 15) Round Man vs. Manners
(Boedromion 16: Legend, History, History) Three Short Bits
(History: Boedromion 17: The Cakkavattisihananda Sutra)
(Boedromion 18: Static)
(History: Boedromion 19: Delicious Pomegranate!)
(History: Boedromion 20: The Only Fruit That Tastes Like Dust)
(History: Boedromion 21-22: Things and Choices)
Jane: Containment
Jane: No Innards, No Problem
Jane: The Broader Context of Her Personal Reality
Jane: The Clash
Ink in Emptiness: the Lord of Suburbia
Ink in Emptiness: The Mirror Cracks
Hard on the Heels of Ink’s Legend (1 of 1)
Jane: No Actual Bears Were Harmed
Categories: Vanished From Imago